The Sexually Explicit, Pervasively Vulgar, or Educationally Unsuitable Book List has been vetted for content that meets the criteria for school library book removal.
The books on the list are in no way on there because of the ideas expressed in them or the author, but rather content that is sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar, and/ or educationally unsuitable.
The list is organized by author, then title, and each has a website listed where a content report can be found. Here is an example:
For the full Sexually Explicit, Pervasively Vulgar, or Educationally Unsuitable Book List please go to the following link: Sexually Explicit, Pervasively Vulgar, or Educationally Unsuitable Book List
Email for further inquiries.
This isn't about protecting children. It's about power and control and because Republicans can't win elections, this is the underhanded, backwards way you've chosen to go about it. Shame on you. Parents should make these decisions privately. No public school has sexually explicit material the way your sick minds picture it.
How wretched. How unfree and sad. To deprive one another of the vast majesty of the human condition in the name of...of what!? Some imagined protection? People have fought and died for expression and the written word. You do your children a grave disservice when you hide the world from them, when you underestimate their joyous and rightfully boundless curiosity. Education - the great enlightenment - is the birthright of all. No one can or should determine what others can access. Please stop this lunacy.